A Structure You Can Rely On

I used to sweat bullets putting pitches together. And often, despite having a great story to tell, people didn’t buy what I was selling. Then, more than 20 years ago, I attended a presentation skills course, and it changed my life.

My pitches suddenly had clarity, my audiences understood the point I was trying to make, and I was saving countless hours in preparation.

Almost immediately, audiences started buying my thinking at a much greater rate. Our business blossomed and we never looked back.

And it was all because of a modified structure and process I am about to share with you. I’m not being dramatic; nothing else had changed in the way we did business, except I started applying this structure with confidence.

The Outcomes Pyramid

Our approach is a modified application of the presentation pyramids you will see all over the internet, especially the Minto Pyramid. We call ours the Outcomes Pyramid because, when completed, that’s what it is: a structure for pitching outcomes perfectly aligned to your audience’s needs.

It looks like this:

It might not look that special, but thoughtful population of these boxes makes it a powerful tool.

Building your argument is where the magic really starts to happen.

Happy pitching!


P.S. If you struggle populating these boxes, our Populating Your Pyramid? resource and template can help. It's often my go-to reference when building my Outcomes Pyramid.